Sun Ergoline Classic 600 and 650
for Sale
We have recently
refurbished a used 2003 Sun Ergoline
Classic 650 model tanning bed and now have it for sale
for only $6,995 with free delivery
to most US states. The Classic 650 and
600 are the most stylish and
most respected level three 12
minute bed you could buy in the past 15 years. Clients are
drawn to it's European styling, flat bench acrylic with side and
shoulder tanning lamps along with the 52 bronzing lamps and 5
high pressure facials. We have sold the used
Ergoline Classic 650 but still have the 650 models for sale below.
Our price is $4,995 installed with new lamps. Keep in
mind, we bring every unit back
to our factory and have our guys service and repair any
unacceptable items like: cracked
acrylics, replacement lamps, or worn
shocks and other old parts. Please call
email us here
for more information and more recent photos. Financing
is available through
commercial equipment leasing located here.